Who we are
The Peter Greenwood Memorial Trust for the Deaf
Our website address is https://www.pgmtrust.org.uk.
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Contact forms
As a charity serving people with disabilities, we are committed to respecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe. This privacy policy tells you what to expect when the Peter Greenwood Memorial Trust for Deaf People (PGMT) collects personal information.
When a person completes the online application form under the ‘Apply Now’ page and then clicks on ‘Send’, the Peter Greenwood Memorial Trust (PGMT) will record these personal details, including disabilities, as entered on the form. Limited information will also be held about the applicant’s named sponsor.
The information entered on the online application form will be used by the Trustees of PGMT solely for the purpose of determining whether the applicant will be offered a bursary, and for no other purpose.
Who we share your data with
Applicant’s and Sponsor’s details will only be shared by the Trustees of PGMT and will never be made available to any other organisation or person(s) unless PGMT is lawfully required to do so.
How long we retain your data
PGMT will keep applicants’ personal information for no more than 3 years, after which time it will be deleted electronically by the Data Controller appointed by the charity’s Trustees, and all associated paper records shredded.
What rights you have over your data
The applicant and his/her sponsor have the right to have his/her personal information amended or deleted by PGMT sooner than this 3 year period.
Contact information
If you wish to contact PGMT about any of the above please email us at info@pgmtrust.org.uk