Donate to PGMT

The Peter Greenwood Memorial Trust is a small charity set up in 1986, which relies on the generous donations of individuals, companies and other charities. These donations fund the bursaries we offer to deaf and hearing impaired individuals in Secondary, Further and Higher Education and Training. In these times of austerity, many deaf and hearing-impaired individuals cannot obtain the extra funding they need to study and train on account of their disability.

Our charity has no paid staff or premises and spends only a tiny fraction of its income on expenses. Even this website is funded by private donations so that more of our funds can go to bursaries rather than administration.

If you’d like to donate to our charity you can do so through Paypal™ which also accepts Mastercard™, VISA™, American Express™ and Direct Debits.

To donate now, please click on the Donate button, and thank you very much for your generosity and for helping us to keep PGMT active and helping people!

Donate with a card or through PayPal